National Poetry Month 2020 Day 14: “Other Galaxies” & “Learning by doing”

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Today’s National Poetry Month blog is brought to you by the will to keep going, to hang in there
through the challenges and obstacles and opposition that life inevitably brings. Wishing you strength
and persistence and ultimate triumph!

Other Galaxies
By David D. Horowitz

Admire twilight’s salmon-ruby mist,
Stars’ silver scatter, turquoise-gray dawn;
Recall at noon other galaxies exist
As human pettiness smirks and smatters
And self-importance boasts and chatters.
Let them. Persist with your work, until it’s done.

We all make mistakes, and here’s a meditation on a hard time I faced many years ago. 
Learning by doing
By Blythe Stephens
They say failure is a powerful tool—
Well good thing I think, as
I sit, sketching away madly with a mind
That won’t design
And a hand
That wouldn’t obey it anyway
Eyes crossing
As I gaze at you
Whom I betrayed
Yet still love
My head aches 
Hands are soiled
I try to erase, but the pencil lines are too deep
The image carved into the surface of the paper
And re-drawing is very messy
I wonder if the “practice” will ever pay off,
If trying again will yield
A more successful, more beautiful result
Or just another crumpled draft
I wasn’t thinking—didn’t know how—
When I attempted the first version


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