
Showing posts from March, 2021

Haiku 2021 Part 12, #81-88

#81 Having slept poorly dreamt of flying on a plane, searching for a mask #82 (inspired by Nikolais-Louis) Time is duration for the space between events to fulfill itself  #83 Dancer is ably manipulating the time, perception of flow #84 Vietnamese food two blocks pas our normal Thai intrigue satisfied #85 Escape together imaginary bondage intellect breaks free #86 Wo? Wohin? Woher? Diese Woerter sollen den (?) Kasus erlaeren #87 Sending love letters sweet energy flows through ink then flies through the air #88 Wassertrettstation where one can walk through water hiking Koenigsforst

Haiku 2021 Part 11, #73-80

 #73 If you aren't free just say "no!" "Yes" may sound nice, but "no" is nicer #74 Do we embody the breath, or is it that the breath embodies us? #75 Knight of Pentacles bravely mounted, armored goes on, unstoppable #76 Spring is the best thing that ever happened to me every single time! #77 Sometimes just a hand or foot seen wildly dancing little ones on Zoom #78 Jaunty sauntering strut with swagger slyly going stealthily cast spell #79 Sad you continue to take from me everything you can, nothing left #80 Poetic pirates traipse the earth in free pursuit of all that they may

Haiku 2021 Part 10, #67-72

 #67 Keep being true blue the world very much needs you vision within range #68 Baldly conveying the message as it comes through simple conduit #69 Poor Exey, sad to hear you are hurting, but I have done nothing wrong #70 For them to feel sad to see expressions of love what must have happened? #71 Familiar sight fevered words outward spewing a pointed finger #72 Bridges burnt sever what was once built to connect traverse disparate

Haiku 2021 Part 9, #62-66

 #62 Social media connecting a globe of souls electronic love #63 Stop working, she thinks save actions for tomorrow's opportunity #64 Just one more poem and then I'll be all caught up ebbs and flows be damned #65 Teaching: inviting loving conversation with in and with others #66 Knapsack on my back eyes peeled, ears perked, rambling long distances bound

Haiku 2021 Part 8, #53-61

 #53 Poky little pup Ipu 'Ia special dish 'Ui'ui poi dog girl #54 Straddling dual binary realities complex paradox #55 Energy of spring fuel me to create great works and be joyful #56 Two minutes to go Better cue up, board, and ride transit always goes #57 Loss is not easy Not good at letting go Cling, cry broken heart #58 Minimalism making the most out of life traveling lightly #59 Golden rooftops glow over Cologne sunrise breaks the new day open #60 Waning moonlight still beams the sun's rays back but softly, gently #61 Bird, proudly twitter atop the family grave declare the present