Pointe Shoes Poem

I thought I'd try something a bit different in my blog today, and start sharing some of the poetry I have written. Poems have gotten me through some of the most elated and most depressed points in my life, and have a magical way of distilling the spirit of a moment. It's a bit scary sharing such a vulnerable creation, but since the point of this blog is to be transparent and share my process and hopefully inspire others on their path, then it makes complete sense to share such works. I wrote this poem when I was starting out in my teaching credential program a couple years ago, by way of introduction to an important object that represents my path.
Pointe Shoes
For me it was pairs of pointe shoes,
which fueled my teen ballerina life.
Objects requiring my talent and passion.
Doors to other dimensions, to taking flight.
I traveled far on a quest to understand,
Sought masters of the art.
Strived and rose and sunk and soared,
Endeavoring to play the part.
They brought me great adventures,
Purposefully driving along my path.
May I continue to dance all of my days,
And may you find the shoes of your craft.


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