
Showing posts from July, 2012

Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July! It's a day to celebrate our freedom and independence. I'm not saying that these United States are perfect, but we do have a lot to be grateful for. I often think of the liberties we enjoy here, in this age, that could easily be taken for granted. We get to decide where we live, what we do for work and play, what we wear, what we eat, who our friends and romantic partners are, how, when and if to have children, what religion, if any, to practice... and we have the freedom to make mistakes learn from them. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by all the choices we are free to make! It is such a blessing to have multiple appealing options in life, a treat to choose our favorite or what seems to be the best at the time, and make so many choices throughout our lives. I believe that with all these wonderful choices comes responsibility. Responsibility to consider the consequences of our actions for our future selves, for others, and for our planet. Happy o...