Haiku 2021 Part 2, #9-17

Here's my next batch of poems in my Haiku Challenge, experimenting with English and German and I'm bound to make mistakes, but it's my challenge, so I can do what I want to! :) 


Think only of Me:
infinite divinity
now, blessed present


Where Tutu lived were
rainbows, colorful flowers,
laughter, songful birds


Cusp of magic born
under the strawberry moon
dancing blithely forth


What will you plant here?
In dark and fallow fields will
high grains grow again?


Golden finches fly
Coffee, toast, strawberry jam
Captain Cook breakfast


Momi, with five and
hundred, finally ready
to make her way home


Ist mein eigene
Gehirn wirklich genug
schwimmfahig zu sein?


Wet 'n Wild lipstick
tone matching mumu
and pedicure, too


Voegel warten auf
verbotten Voegelfutter
bei dem aelter Heim


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