National Poetry Month 2020 Day 22: Innocence & Impulse

Happy Earth Day! Oops, already shared my one explicitly environmental poem on day 20… Still deeply
concerned about the state of our planet and keen to preserve our ecosystem for future generations of
humans and all of the creatures. What actions will you take to protect habitat, reduce your footprint, and
cherish the earth today? 
I suppose a sense of wonder at creation is related to a sense of responsibility and stewardship, so poetry-
wise my themes of the day are innocence and exploration, reverence and discovery. The William Blake
excerpt contemplates time and space through concrete experience of this moment, and my original of the
day (from 2010) explores the drive to find connection. 

From “Auguries of Innocence”
By William Blake

To see the World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

by Blythe Stephens
I stumble
But impulse serves
Delivers me
To new
To you
Suddenly joy
Licks at my skin


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